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About This Wish

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Pink Barbie Jet for 4 y/o Shaina who loves to play with her Barbies.

Posted Nov 30, 2016
Shaina loves to play with her babies and baby dolls. Shaina only wishes for Christmas were two different Barbie toys but she is really hoping for the jet most of all.

Shaina is 12 years old and lives in NJ

Shaina currently lives with her siblings in their first foster home. She is a very active little girl who loves to play house with her baby dolls. She is very caring and kind and when she grows up she wants to be a veterinarian so she can save animals.

The Wish Story

The Family Services - Medford, NJ of Child Services requests this wish for Shaina.

One Simple Wish Posts the wish on our website.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the .Family Services - Medford, NJ of child services for Shaina.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Family Services - Medford, NJ for Shaina.

The Family Services - Medford, NJ receives the wish!

Shaina receives the gift from her case worker!

"In case we haven't said it enough...thank you for supporting One Simple Wish and our amazing kids!"

Hope sent an update on the wish for Shaina.

"Hello, Thank you for granting this wish for Shania! She has sent a wonderful thank you note that will be mailed to you shortly! We hope you continue making wishes come true! Thank you for your continued support!"

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