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A Halloween costume for Jhordyn who would like to be a police officer!

Posted Sep 18, 2017
Jhordyn wants to be a police officer for Halloween. She would like to dress up at her school's Halloween festival.

Jhordyn is 17 years old and lives in TX

Jhordyn is a very sweet young lady. She loves to run track and watch Disney movies. Jhordyn recently relocated to Texas and has been having trouble getting adjusted to her new surroundings.

The Wish Story

The Homes for Children Corporation requests this wish for Jhordyn.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kelly grants the wish for Jhordyn! Thanks Kelly.

"It's so cool that you want to be a police officer! I hope you have a great Halloween! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Homes for Children Corporation for Jhordyn.

The Homes for Children Corporation receives the wish!

Kristen sent an update on the wish for Jhordyn.

"Thanks for granting Jhordyn's wish!! She cannot wait to try it on. She is very excited about her costume."

Jhordyn receives the wish from Homes for Children Corporation

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