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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Camera for Desiree's Photography Class

Posted Dec 23, 2019
Desiree will be taking a photography class at Rutgers University in the Spring 2020 semester and needs a digital SLR camera and accessories. She has some money to put towards the camera package that she would like, but not enough to afford the whole purchase. Granting this wish not only grants Desiree the opportunity to expand her art but also to help her encourage other youth to follow their dreams, through her art.

Desiree is 24 years old and lives in NJ

Desiree is a Sophomore at Rutgers University majoring in fine arts. She is an extremely talented painter and photographer and would one day like to open her own non-profit that serves children through the arts. Desiree recently worked as a counselor at an arts camp for children, and is passionate about using the arts to drive social change. She works in the sculpture studio on-campus, and also at an ice cream shop, where she decorates cakes. In her spare time she paints, sculpts, takes pictures, and attends galleries, museums, and art events in New York City. She loves her little brother and spends as much time as she can with him.

The Wish Story

Rutgers University School of Social Work (Transitions for Youth program) requests this wish for Desiree.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Desiree! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Rutgers University School of Social Work (Transitions for Youth program) for Desiree.

Desiree receives the wish from Rutgers University School of Social Work (Transitions for Youth program)

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