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About This Wish

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Gluten Free Treats for Shaniyah who needs to stay away from Gluten

Posted Dec 19, 2019
Shaniyah is on a gluten free restriction, which makes it hard to eat what other children while at home on winter break. Her nutritionist showed her the snacks and foods that would be suitable for her to consume. Shaniyah would love to be able to go to the store to pick out the snacks and foods she can have!

Shaniyah is 15 years old and lives in NJ

Shaniyah is a creative young woman who loves doing nails and making hair bows for her teammates. She is a cheerleader and loves to tumble!

The Wish Story

Charity Kings Inc. requests this wish for Shaniyah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Michelle grants the wish for Shaniyah! Thanks Michelle.

"Happy holidays!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Charity Kings Inc. for Shaniyah.

Charity Kings Inc. receives the wish!

Shaniyah receives the gift from Charity Kings Inc.!

"Thank you for granting my wish. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!"

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