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HALO Bassinest Sleeper for Kiersten who is having a difficult pregnancy

Posted May 28, 2020
Kiersten was having trouble with low amniotic fluid and was admitted to the hospital to be monitored. While there, she had 14 grand mal seizures. For the safety of her and the baby they kept her for just over a week. While she is now home, she is not able to prepare as much as she would have liked for her baby's arrival. She reached out and said, "Having a bassinet that will reach our bed and be close next to me would ease the pain and discomfort I will have from having to either bend down to pick up the baby or from having to move too much. As I have gestational diabetes, this specific bassinet will allow for a bigger weight limit which will be wonderful and last longer for us. I would not have to worry about needing a new one either."

Kiersten is 30 years old and lives in MI

Kiersten has always loved school and plans to be a special education teacher focusing on early elementary. She has a lovely son who is the light of her world. An accomplishment she is proud of was going to Washington DC in 2019 to Capital Hill to help fight for and share her experience to help make changes to the foster care system all over the 50 states!

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Haven's Fund grants the wish for Kiersten! Thanks Haven's Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the One Simple Wish for Kiersten.

Kiersten receives the wish from One Simple Wish

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