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About This Wish

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A basketball hoop for Nickali who needs a confidence boost

Posted Aug 26, 2020
Nickali loves being outside and loves to play basketball. Having his own basketball hoop and ball will help Nickali be more social and continue to improve his skills.

Nickali is 14 years old and lives in IL

Nickali loves to be outside and loves things he can do on his own. Being a special needs child, his family tries to give him opportunities to socialize and make friends. He loves Pokémon and card games. He enjoys playing outside with his siblings. He tries very hard to do well at school despite his struggles

The Wish Story

Equipping the Called Foster and Crisis Closet requests this wish for Nickali.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Brian grants the wish for Nickali! Thanks Brian.

"Please enjoy this git and get a lot of good use out of it."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Equipping the Called Foster and Crisis Closet for Nickali.

Nickali receives the gift from Equipping the Called Foster and Crisis Closet!

"Thank you so much for granting this special wish for Nickali. He could not wait to get his new basketball hoop set up. He started practicing right away and has had some great weather for shooting hoops. Thank you for helping Nickali improve his self esteem with this gift!"

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