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Gas Furnace and Line Installation for Maggie to keep warm this winter

Posted Jan 14, 2021
Maggie remembers growing up in foster care with no heat in her home. Having to wear layers and bundle up to keep warm is something that is forever marked in her memory. At the end of the winter last year, Maggie found out her current Oil Furnace and line are broken and will not last much longer. With the effects of COVID-19 , things were pushed back and Maggie got through by turning off the heat for a few months. Now that it is getting colder out again and Maggie is worried her heat will go out at any moment leaving her family to suffer through the cold weather. Maggie cant stop thinking about her own childhood and how she promised that she would provide a better life for her stepkids, so hearing them say they are cold breaks her heart. The total line replacement as well as new furnace is estimated to cost almost $16,000. However, with a grant approval from the state for switching to gas, and a small loan approval, Maggie has been able to knock that bill down substantially. In order for Maggie and her family to be safe and comfortable this winter, they will need to secure their new heating system as soon as possible!

Maggie is 32 years old and lives in NJ

Maggie is a young woman who aged out of foster care when she was 21. During her 7 years in foster care, she lived in 7 placements in the first 4 years and then spent the last 3 years living independently or with friends. Even though she is no longer in the system, Maggie is still incredibly active in raising awareness and support for kids in care. As the President of the Ocean County Youth Advisory Board, she has traveled all over the state and to DC to advocate for the rights of children impacted by child welfare. Maggie is currently working and attending college full time to become a therapist that focuses on trauma and wants to use those skills to assist children in care and our military. Maggie enjoys playing video games, doing arts and crafts, and reading. She is also stepmom to two adorable kids (Isabella and Hunter) and loves it!

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Maggie! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the OSW Advisory Council for Maggie.

Maggie receives the wish from One Simple Wish FFY Group

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