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A trip to Target for Caleb who loves to help others

Posted Dec 14, 2020
Caleb doesn't remember the last time he purchased new clothing. Most of his clothing is quite worn or a bit too small. He would love to take a trip to Target to pick out a few new outfits that he would feel comfortable and confident in. Wearing new clothes during his virtual classes will help him feel more energized and excited!

Caleb is 17 years old and lives in CA

Caleb is a young teen who is very well mannered, respectful, and polite. He is always helping when needed. Caleb is very responsible when it comes to his virtual classes, and is always on time with his attendance and assignments. He is truly a one of a kind young man.

The Wish Story

Hannah's Children's Homes requests this wish for Caleb.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Caleb! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Dear Caleb, I hope you never give up your wonderful positive personality, or your want to help others. You inspire me to be better about my own outlook on life, and I hope one day I can be as kind and giving as you are towards others. Be confident in knowing clothes don't make the person, a person's character does. And you sound like you're one of the best people out there. Happy Holidays, and know you have a friend out there rooting for you in life. Best, Kelly Larson"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Hannah's Children's Homes for Caleb.

Caleb receives the gift from Hannah's Children's Homes!

"Thank you so much for my gift card. I was able to get what I needed and wanted. I am very grateful. Thank you for making my Christmas more special. "

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