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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Detergent pods for Molly to keep up with her laundry

Posted Jan 12, 2021
Molly realizes that she gets laundry detergent based generally on what is donated. While her needs are being met, she was interested in getting "her own" detergent that she likes better. She is working on getting a job so that she can do this for herself soon but right now she wishes for detergent pods in her favorite scent. She would be so excited to have some nice quality detergent of her own, not just a generic one that was donated.

Molly is 22 years old and lives in NC

Molly was in foster care before but was adopted at 12. She has recently found herself homeless and pregnant. She hopes to complete her high school classes, and she only has a few classes left. Once she graduates high school, she wants to turn her attention to starting a Certified Nursing Assistant program and becoming certified. One of Molly's strengths is that she is motivated, and is looking forward to moving out on her own and being the best mom she can be for her baby.

The Wish Story

Florence Crittenton Services requests this wish for Molly.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Molly! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Molly remember to keep your head up and know you got this. Sending you lots of love, prayers and positive vibes. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Florence Crittenton Services for Molly.

Florence Crittenton Services receives the wish!

Molly receives the gift from Florence Crittenton Services !

"Molly stated her heart was racing when she found out she had gotten something to use for herself! Thanks you for your encouragement for her!!"

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