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About This Wish

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A Subscription to Grammarly to help Brannon through college

Posted Feb 1, 2021
Brannon wishes for a subscription to Grammarly to help him through college. He is eager to write better papers, make better grades, and do his best overall. This subscription will be a huge support in Brannon achieving his goals! A weight will be lifted off of his shoulders when he has some extra confidence in the work he is turning in.

Brannon is 23 years old and lives in NC

Brannon is enthusiastic and serious about music and drama. He loves almost everything about the arts and is taking art classes in college. He also likes to make videos and is learning to be technologically savvy. Brannon is a hard worker and making good grades is important to him. 

The Wish Story

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes requests this wish for Brannon.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Brannon! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Good luck at college Brannon! Hope this subscription helps. I am a college professor : ) Definitely make sure you take full advantage of whatever Writing Center/tutor resources are available at your school. It's free and will be a great investment in your future since good writing is a highly sought-after career skill."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Parent Association of Wilkes for Brannon.

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes receives the wish!

Brannon receives the gift from Foster Parent Association of Wilkes!

"Dear Professor, Brannon wants you to know how much he appreciates the subscription to Grammarly. Your gift is most appreciated and will help this young man through college. Again, he sends his sincere gratitude. "

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