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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Bike for Atlantis who needs to get to and from work.

Posted Nov 5, 2021
Atlantis is currently living with her best friend's family. She has an after school job that she really enjoys. Having a job is also very important to her as she wants to cover some of her personal expenses so she does not burden her friend's family. Transportation has been a barrier for her and she really wants to continue to work. A bike will be so helpful to her as it will provide stable transportation to and from work.

Atlantis is 17 years old and lives in FL

Atlantis is a high schooler who enjoying her new school. She is focusing on her schoolwork and the extracurricular activities that she enjoys doing with her friends and natural supports in her life. Atlantis is currently living with a friend, because her home is not the safest environment for her.

The Wish Story

Directions for Living requests this wish for Atlantis.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Atlantis! Thanks Awesome Human.

"My first high school job brought me so much joy, pride, and independence. I hope this gift helps provide you the necessary stability to achieve your goals. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Directions for Living for Atlantis.

Directions for Living receives the wish!

Atlantis receives the gift from Directions for Living!

"What an amazing wish for Atlantis! As soon as the bike was assembled, she was on it and proudly riding around testing it out. She has a lock to ensure it is safe when she is at work. This wish is was so meaningful to her and provides a level of independence that she really needed. Thanks so much for granting her wish, you made such a difference! "

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