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After School Snacks for Skylar who is growing really fast

Posted Jan 9, 2022
Skylar is currently in an after school program focused on language and performing arts. As a growing boy, he is eating more than ever and is often ravenous by the time he gets home in the evenings. Having some snacks in his backpack to hold him over for the day would help Skylar focus and give his aunt time to prepare a healthy evening meal.

Skylar is 13 years old and lives in CA

Skylar is an inquisitive youth adjusting to life with his aunt in the big city. He loves to read and write, and he adores his Language Arts teacher Mr. Watson. Skylar takes initiative when helping out around the house and completes his chores without having to be asked. He is smart, kind, funny, and is growing into a wonderful young man.

The Wish Story

Think of Us requests this wish for Skylar.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Skylar! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Think of Us for Skylar.

Skylar receives the wish from Think of Us

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