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About This Wish

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Detox Program Fee's for Jillian who is ready for a new start

Posted Mar 28, 2022
Jillian has tried to go to rehab a few times, but has never been fully ready to commit. She has not hit rock bottom, but has come to the realization the toxic lifestyle she is currently living, is not how she wants to spend her future. Her health insurance will cover her rehab stay but will not cover a detox program which is required by rehab facilities. This wish will allow Jillian to detox in a safe environment with medical staff to monitor her all while working towards a new life!

Jillian is 26 years old and lives in CA

Jillian has the biggest heart and most amazing personality. She loves hard and will do anything to help her friends and family. She is very close with her brother and sister and sees them as often as possible. Jillian's life has not been an easy one, which is something she is working hard to change. She loves her job and enjoys working hard to provide for herself. In her spare time she enjoys being around those she loves and cares about most.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Jillian! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the One Simple Wish for Jillian.

Jillian receives the wish from One Simple Wish FFY Group

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