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A New Couch for Alexandria who was forced to leave a lot of things behind

Posted Aug 24, 2022
Unfortunately Alexandria's landlord decided it was time to sell his property, forcing Alexandria to come up with a plan quickly. She wasn't able to bring a lot of her furniture with her as she had less then a month to find somewhere else to live and needed a bit of extra money to do so. She had to sell a lot of her furniture and other bulky items. This new couch is exactly what Alexandria needs in her new home. It is cute but small and is the perfect color to match her style!

Alexandria is 31 years old and lives in KS

Alexandria entered the foster care system at a young age due to early adverse experiences. Throughout her time in foster care Alexandria moved between homes and groups several times, but throughout it all, she was able to find a forever home. In finding her forever home, she was able to transition out of care and become an advocate for change - helping to spark change in the foster care system. She went on to obtain her high school diploma, bachelor’s and then master’s degree. Alexandria’s goal is to continue to advocate for those in foster care with the hope of establishing a center where foster youth would have access to tutoring, mentoring and assistance for future college admissions. Not only does she advocate for change through the foster care system but also change within other communities that have faced injustice. Some of Alexandria's hobbies include reading, cooking, traveling, educating herself on new topics and spending time with her family. What makes Alexandria herself is the ability to learn, grow, develop and give back to her community. She believes in investing time and knowledge into the younger generation.

The Wish Story

OSW Advisory Council requests this wish for Alexandria.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Alexandria! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Alexandria, hang in there, it will get better! Enjoy the couch and your vitamins, we love you and are watching out for you, Your Guardian Angels"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the OSW Advisory Council for Alexandria.

Alexandria receives the wish from OSW Advisory Council

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