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A Kerurig Mini Coffee Maker for Brannon who loves a good cup of coffee

Posted Nov 14, 2022
Brannon wishes for his own personal Keruig coffee machine so he can make coffee any time of the day. This will help him get through long hours of homework and studying. He really enjoys a good cup of coffee and this will help him stay out of the coffee shop a little less and making coffee at home more often to save money.

Brannon is 23 years old and lives in NC

Brannon is passionate about music and drama. He enjoys nearly everything related to the arts and is currently taking art classes in college. In addition to his artistic pursuits, he likes to create videos and is learning to become more technologically savvy. Brannon is a dedicated worker, and achieving good grades is important to him. He also receives support services from the Foster Parent Association.

The Wish Story

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes requests this wish for Brannon.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Brannon! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi, Brannon! I love a good cup of coffee, too. I hope this helps you do all the work you need to do, but also relax sometimes and just enjoy the coffee. I have learned that reusable plastic k-cups with ground coffee scooped into them (instead of the pre-packaged k-cups) tastes way better, is a lot cheaper, and is better for the environment. :)"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Parent Association of Wilkes for Brannon.

Brannon receives the wish from Foster Parent Association of Wilkes

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