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About Wilbert

Wilbert is 17 years old and lives in MA

Wilbert has several siblings and all have been in foster care for quite some time. Fortunately, Wilbert and his brother were recently adopted by a single dad, who while struggling to give the boys all the material things he would like to, is providing a loving and stable permanent home for them. However, they are still separated from other siblings, and in particular one sister who is close in age to them. Wilbert is younger than Wilson but one year older than his sister who is in a different home. Wilbert is always smiley, amazingly cheerful and positive despite the tough life he lived. He always managed to hold onto his unbiased love for everyone and things, loves animals. He is the first one in a group that would go over and introduce himself and the rest of the people. Making friends comes easy for him and anytime somebody is having a hard time he feels obligated to cheer them up. Like his brother, he loves basketball and anything athletic.