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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A gift card for Josh to purchase items for college

Posted Sep 12, 2023
Thanks to an amazingly generous supporter, this wish is just $25 for a limited time! Find out more at the link in the orange bar at the top of the site.*** Josh is beginning is freshman year of college out of state. He was lucky to be awarded a scholarship but his mom is a single mom who has other children. She couldn't afford to get him some of the essentials he needed for college. This wish will help him get some of those necessary items!

Josh is 19 years old and lives in NJ

Josh is a soft spoken very respectful young man who cares a lot about his family and close friends. He is a great athlete who plays both basketball and football. In his spare time, he often stays home to help his mom out. A good student, he works hard in school and is excited about going to college in the fall. Teachers, all consider him a positive example for younger students.

The Wish Story

SHE Wins! Inc. requests this wish for Josh.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Josh! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Wishing you the best of luck at school! Work hard but remember to have fun too!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the SHE Wins! Inc. for Josh.

Josh receives the wish from SHE Wins! Inc.

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