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Birthday Celebration for Kristen's daughter

Posted Dec 28, 2021
Kristen's daughter's birthday is December 31st! What a way to bring in the New Year! Kristen would love to surprise her with a huge birthday dessert spread of all her favorites!

Kristen is 32 years old and lives in NC

After aging out of foster care, Kristen felt pretty overwhelmed and scared of what her future would look like. However, after a lot of hard work she has found herself in a wonderful life she loves! She is now at her dream university for graduate school to be a Licensed Counselor and is a recent adoptive mom. Kristen loves to be outdoors and exploring new places. Being active and in nature has been a huge way that she deals with stress or challenges. It reminds her that like everything she sees, she too was created with purpose and beauty. Kristen keeps moving forward and faces all the challenges with love for herself and others!

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Kristen! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the OSW Advisory Council for Kristen.

Kristen receives the wish from OSW Advisory Council

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