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Boxing Classes for Noemi to practice her favorite sport

Posted Mar 11, 2022
Noemi's favorite sport is boxing. It's a great way for her to get some exercise, let off steam after a full day of being a student and a teen mom, and meet peers in her community. The local community center offers low-cost boxing classes that Noemi would love to attend!

Noemi is 21 years old and lives in AZ

Noemi came to the United States a few years ago. She has a beautiful baby girl that she takes great care of! Noemi has been working hard in school to learn English with the hopes of graduating high school and providing for her child. Noemi loves makeup, taking pictures, golfing, playing soccer, and going to the movies!

The Wish Story

Catholic Charities - Unaccompanied Minors Program requests this wish for Noemi.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Noemi! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Best wishes for you Noemi! If you are like my kids, you may need to punch something once in a while to let your frustrations out. I hope you enjoy your class and make some new friends."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Catholic Charities - Unaccompanied Minors Program for Noemi.

Catholic Charities - Unaccompanied Minors Program receives the wish!

Noemi receives the gift from Catholic Charities - Unaccompanied Minors Program!

"Thank you so very much for fulfilling Noemi's wish! She has wanted to take boxing glasses for such a long time, and she was over the moon to finally be able to do so. Noemi works so hard as a student and young mother, so this will be a great way for her to unwind!"

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