Shauntay is an incredible young woman. During her childhood, she experienced significant hardship at home with her family of origin, which resulted in her eventual placement in the foster system. She has since aged out.
Health & Wellness
A pair of durable boots for Shauntay to stay warm
Bar soaps for Shauntay to engage in self care
Just for Fun
Thermal long john set for Shauntay to stay warm
A hat, scarf and glove set for Shauntay to feel cozy this winter
A cozy robe for Shauntay to feel pampered
Socks for Shauntay to always have a clean pair
A pack of sports bras for Shauntay to be comfortable
Hygiene products for Shauntay to feel more comfortable
Education & Employment
School supplies for Shauntay to complete her GED
A pair of shoes for Shauntay to relieve her foot pain
Clothes for Shauntay to get through the fall
Undergarments for Shauntay who wants to feel confident wearing her clothes
Detangling combs for Shauntay's beautiful hair
Silk pajamas for Shauntay to keep cool at night
Fan for Kareem to stay cool as the weather gets warm
Undergarments for Shauntay to feel comfortable with what she wears
Cozy robe for Shauntay to feel pampered
Workout gloves for Kareem to keep the blisters away
A large pack of underwear for Shauntay who needs to replace some essentials
Hijab for Shauntay to replace her torn one
Amazon sweatshirt for Shauntay to wear at her new job
A T Shirt for Shauntay's new position at Amazon
Cargo pants for Shauntay so she is prepared for her new job
Hygiene products for Shauntay to feel herself again
A phone to help Shauntay get a job and stay in touch with her kids
Crocs for Shauntay to walk around comfortably in her apartment
Laptop for Shauntay to use to study and pass her GED test
Interview clothes for Shauntay to feel confident
Electric pot and skillet for Shauntay to make cooking easy
A rice cooker for Shauntay to prepare delicious meals
An air mattress for Shauntay who is in dire need of a bed
Groceries for Shauntay to provide meals for her children
Garbage bags for Shauntay to keep her home clean
Warm fuzzy boots for Shauntay to keep her toes warm
Warm coat for Shauntay this winter
A paper shredder for Shauntay to help her stay organized
Garbage Cans for Shauntay to keep her home fresh
Lamp for Shauntay to bring warm light to her space
Baby food and formula to help Shauntay feed her babies
Target gift card to help Shauntay feed her hungry family
Gift card for Shauntay to buy food to keep her energy up
A vacuum for Shauntay to making cleaning up easier
A projector for Shauntay to watch movies with her kids